14 January 2012

Bok bok, my sweet little pumpkins

I knew this day would come eventually, I just didn't think it would happen so soon, and leave me feeling so empty.  I'm talking about the day that my winter-supply of squash finally ran out.  This evening I roasted and ate my very last squash.  And it came out perfect:  sweet, chestnutty, all yummy and delicious.  I baked it exactly the way I like it...just a little browned around the edges, with a bit of sea salt.  And after letting it cool to room temperature, drizzling generously with olive oil.

Back in September, we brought home 25 of these little beauties.  All of them the  Hokkaido variety.  Each one eaten with gusto and gratefulness.

Now, I count the days until I meet my precious Hokkaido once more.

Just 240 days to go.  May the autumn harvest be bountiful. 

05 January 2012

Gardening in January!

Today I cooked cabbage and brussels sprouts picked fresh out of a neighbour's garden (with her permission, of course ;-)    I cannot explain the incredible taste of such fresh vegetables.  Sweet.  Lucious.  Tender.  Crisp.  So yummy that they don't even need salt.  Seriously.  Just steam and eat.  What a concept!

Curly cabbage!

Yep, those are brussels sprouts....don't worry I didn't know what the plant looked like either!